Much to the dismay of gentlemen across our fair city, this former smoking room, and chess club is no longer used for either of those activities. To the delight of many others, however, it is now an intimate cocktail bar and a thriving hub of intimate private functions and networking events. Discover the perfect private event space in Sydney at Attic Bar.
events & functions at
Capacity: 100 (cocktail); 50 (theatre);
44 (sit down)
Your private bar will be well stocked, and delicious, house-made edible delights will be created for your event.
Our experienced and dedicated events team will manage your celebration from your initial enquiry right through to when your final guest leaves. We are on hand throughout the process to ensure your expectations are exceeded at every step.
discover our
Every Monday the Arthouse holds Life Drawing sessions, with a different model each week.
Doors open at 5pm, model on the stage 6pm-830pm!